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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Definition of Done: A Reference

By Mayank Gupta

An Agile project has ceremonies (sprint planning, release planning, sprint retrospective, etc.) and metrics (sprint & release burndown charts) designed to ensure that the project is in a healthy state. Unfortunately, many Agile projects fail even after following all the ceremonies religiously. Why? One of the primary reasons is that they are not able to deliver value to the customer at the end of each sprint. They deliver a product at the end of each sprint, but not a product that is potentially shippable. Here lies the root cause of failure. The software these projects deliver at the end of each sprint is half tested, half documented, half refactored and only half ready for release.

An explicit and concrete definition of done may seem small but it can be the most critical checkpoint of an agile project. Without a consistent meaning of done, velocity cannot be estimated. Conversely, a common definition of done ensures that the increment produced at the end of sprint is of high quality, with minimal defects.  The definition of done is the soul of the entire Scrum process.

Before we explore a definition for done, it is important to define another Scrum term: potentially shippable product.

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